
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

sipi river lodge - heaven on mt. elgon

Alain de Botton conjures Wordsworth in The Art of Travel; something he referred to as "spots of time." There are certain places that stick - owing their sticky-ness to a fortuitous combination of scenery, smell, temperature, and a very specific mental state - that become a motif in life. For me, it's the low-hanging stars in Belize, it's the smell of water in Zanzibar...and currently, it's every little piece of Sipi River Lodge.

wildlife: a cow peering at you while showering, baby pigs and wandering goats
cuisine: carrot and coriander soup, pineapple crumble with vanilla custard, ample Roberts Rock wine
soundtrack: falling asleep to the sound of sipi river flowing by your banda, will's awesome iPod selections during dinner
wake up call: drinking coffee you roasted yourself

ambience: the banana leaf roof in the lodge, especially in the lantern-lit evenings
fun: the hat collection in the bar (and play bites from Captain - see slide show)

If you're visiting East Africa, you owe it to yourself. Set aside 4 or 5 days and a few good books, and go there.

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